As per Dr. Khader Vali research, following protocol has to be strictly followed to get rid of the above diseases.
Nyctanthes arbor-tristis (Parijatam), Coriander, Bryophyllum pinnatum, Banana stem (organic) Boerhavia diffusa, Abutilon indicum
Consume all above decoctions one week each and repeat the cycle.

Little millet – 3 days
Kodo millet – 3 days
Barnyard millet – 3 days
Foxtail millet – 1 day
Brown top millet – 1 day
Order each millet in the same quantity as number of days mentioned above for 1-2 persons sufficient for 1 month approximately. For e.g. for 3 days, 3 kg millets to be ordered.

Consume millets as per the above schedule and repeat the cycle for at least 9 weeks.
Note: Best way to consume millets in the form of Fermented porridge for 9 weeks (For Dialysis patients).
One has to take the regular medicines and follow these suggestions.
Source: Dr. Khader Life Style
Disclaimer: The above suggestions are purely based of Dr. Khader Vali research and available on Internet. Aarogyamastu does not guarantee that this is a solution for the disease mentioned. This is just a suggestion or advice.